Healthcare professionals regularly share new and fascinating cases to Figure 1. Here are five of the most interesting medical cases of machine injuries causing buzz in the community.

This is a coronal CT image of a “large skin laceration with degloving or scalp avulsion injury (arrow)”, shared by a Figure 1 member. The member shared additional details regarding machine injuries to the scalp: “Scalp avulsion often results from a high-speed rotating machine coming into contact with the patient’s hair. Given the scalp’s extensive blood supply, hemorrhage is severe and, because of the traction force and impact, scalp avulsion is frequently associated with cervical spine and brain injuries.”
What’s the common treatment for this injury?

In the fourth most interesting medical case of machine injury, a patient sustained this injury to their right hand after it became caught in a meat mincing machine. Unfortunately, according to the physician who shared this case, “Plastic surgery says this cannot be salvaged and proceeded to amputate.”

A 17-year-old patient sustained this injury to the index finger on their left hand after it became caught in machinery. The injury resulted in a near total amputated degloving, according to the surgeon who shared the medical case with the community.
Repair was done with a “hypodermic needle inserted to hold bone fragment since a Kirschner wire insertion had a risk of further damage. Now hoping for a positive response.”
Did the patient have sensation following surgery? Find out and see the full image

In this second most interesting medical case of a machine injury, a patient presented to the hospital two hours after their hand was amputated by a machine. The internal medicine physician who shared the case noted that, miraculously, the patient’s hand was able to be reattached/repaired.
Comments from the community included:
“Wow … great work! Hopefully function will be returned as much as possible!”
“Remarkable reattachment. Kudos to this excellent team.”
See the full before and after images

An anesthesiology resident shared the details of this case: “26-year-old male who suffers the removal of the skin from his genitals with a pressing machine …” According to the resident, it’s unknown how this injury occurred.
What’s the outcome? Find out and see the full case
Published August 19, 2024
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